Saturday, September 4, 2010

The past few weeks..

As all of you know, I have started a new job! Well really a new career, if you will. I am a full-time nanny to a little girl, who is right around 23 months. This has turned out to be a wonderful experience for me. I am seeing first hand how fast babies learn and how truly different people parent! I am also watching my sweet, baby boy grow up into a handsome little boy! As much as a blessing it is to watch him grow, it is truly heart breaking that he is growing so fast. He no longer looks like a baby, he is looking more and more like a toddler boy with everyday that passes. He is learning to share with V, and I must say he is doing a pretty good job at it! While I watch Noah grow, I also get the pleasure of watching another family's baby girl grow into a pretty little girl. She is learning to share, like Noah. But more importantly, she learning how to speak, like Noah as well. See her and her mother spent the past summer in the Czech Republic visiting family, and they only spoke Czech to her. At first this made our communication quite difficult, but now she is teaching me, just as I am teaching her English, she is teaching me Czech. With everyday that passes, I learn more Czech!
I have always been told that everyone parents differently!! Well I am seeing this all 1st hand. Everyone does everything at their own pace, I guess. We took the bottle away at 10 months, V still has hers. Noah sleeps in his crib and goes to bed by himself, V sleeps with her parents on a mattress on the floor! We have disciplined Noah for quite sometime, V is just now getting discipline (from me) for the 1st time! Different? yes. Eye opening? definitely! This has turned out to be an awesome experience for me! I absolutely would not trade this for anything!

...this is life as we know it!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

new opportunities

Growing up I always knew what I wanted to do/be when I grew up. Well it wasn't until I got married and gave birth to the most amazing little man on Earth did I realize that maybe what I thought I wanted growing up, wasn't what I wanted at all!!

For years and years I just new someday I would be an attorney somewhere arguing for someone innocence or whatever the case may have been.. I even backed away so much from the idea of an attorney and went to school to be a paralegal, finding out they pretty much do all the work with none of the glory!! (with one semester left I got married and shortly after we found out we were pregnant with Noah) leaving just 1 pesky semester left, but now I am at a crossroads in my life, do I go back to finish up school for a paralegal degree or do I follow my heart and begin school for work with children. It was not until I had Noah that I knew that I wanted to work with babies/toddlers/preschool and maybe kindergarten to 2nd grade age kids.

This brings me to my 'new opportunity'! One day while very bored I was searching through the Internet and foun an ad for someone who needed a nanny for their 22 month old daughter! So I gave it some thought (and talked to Dustin about it of course) and decided to email them about the job and see what happened! The only mitigating factor was Noah had to be with me (as a stay at home mom for the first almost 1 1/2 years of his life and going to work at kohls, it was tough for me to be away from him even if it was leaving him with family) so that was a deal breaker for me, if Noah couldn't come!! But much to my surprise, the family thought bringing Noah was a great idea!! And soon after meeting them I was (or we) were offered the job!

With saying I got a job as a nanny, some people questioned my ability to handle 2 almost 2 year olds. And boy its not a cake walk, but they are both simply amazing! So smart and play so well together. V and her mom spent the whole summer in her mom's native country of Czech and so she came home speaking 98% all Czech, that leaves hardly any English! But she is teaching me Czech, as well as learning english! I can honestly say that I have seen a huge impact and difference already on how much Noah is learning from her! And he has only been around her since the 16th (this past Monday). Like I said they are both very smart toddlers!

I have been given the pleasure of getting to know both parents very well. They have each taken off 2 days to help transition V back to having a nanny! The mother, I'll refer to her as I. I is a professor at USC. Shes from Czech Republic. Sbd just as nice as she can be. She was with us Monday and Tuesday, and I am so thankful for them being here at first so we can all 3 adjust at the same time! And the dad, T, is from Singapore. He is VERY intelligent. He sent yesterday and today us. And I learn something new from him everyday! I&T met as students in Boston, he went to John Hopkins and I'm not too sure about her. But he told me on a car ride yesterday, that he loved her so much he followed her all the way to California, where she attended Stanford (he himself was a Berkeley graduate). I have been very blessed with such an awesome little family to work so closely with! And they just love Noah! Which makes me like them even more :)

Well both kids are napping!! We had a pool morning today :) they spent an hour and a half in the water then came home only to jump in the tub! Next up is lunch and some more playing!

Looking around, I'd say I have been blessed!!

....and this is life as we know it!

Saturday, August 14, 2010


I have been tossing around the idea of creating a blog.. I figured it will help clear my mind as well as relieve some stress!! It might not be the most entertaining, but hey not everything is. Some might want to read this, while others might not!! each his own, right?

I have a lot to say and a lot of dreams about how I want to say what's on my mind, as well as things that have happened in my past. One way or another I will say what I have to say!

I guess this is just a beginning for me! More is to come!